Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Beauty OF Color.

From the time we wake until we close our eyes at night, we are immersed in color. Yet, some people (and I am one of them) rarely think about color, nor do they consider how it affects their lives.

I never recognized the color spectrum as very important. However, after I read the assignment about the color and then we discussed it in the class, I started thinking and pondering over everything I saw. I started feeling how the world around me was filled with mixed and combined colors.

It is very true that color pervades our physical world, affects our emotions, and gives other important clues about our personalities and mood. Thus, it is important to give color than a passing glance in both our general living and in our creative endeavors.

According to Joen Wolfrom, in his book (The magical effects of color), in art, color used as a visual language. It is the communication link between creator and viewer. Color is visually musical, being both rhythmic and lyrical. It sets the tempo of a design through the blending of a multitude of hues.

Obviously, each color has its own beauty and individuality. Symbolically, green is closely associated with nature. For centuries the nature concepts of birth, rebirth, life, growth, healing, rest and regenerations have been linked with green. Green reflects the freshness and joy of youth.


The photo of the two birds has several colors that stand out. The natural beauty is not from the creation of man. The colors green and red really attracted my attention. The combination of the light brown with the orange colors also stood out as very unique. By simply looking at these color combinations, a person is able to feel a sense of comfort or relaxation and peace within oneself.

It seems they live peacefully in their kingdom. Although, the red and green colors are of primary colors, the other combinations are also very attractive. For the first time in my life, I feel that I truly wish I was one of those birds with such colors. It is really a deceiving moment because the photographer was able to take this picture while the birds were asleep and their feathers were puffed up as if they were in a different world.

Doughlas Finkbeiner
Department of Astrophysics- Cygnus Nebula
In the constellation Cygnus (the Swan), dark clouds in front of Lynds Bright Nebula 258, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The red, green, and blue color planes represent the infra-red, red, and green filters of the SDSS, so ionized hydrogen (actually red) appears green in this image.

The photo of the stars is filled with all types of colors.  I have always longed to see outer space.  Thanks to the help of advanced technology, I am able to see the beauty of space with its colors that are magical and glamorous.  It is amazing to see such diversity of colors in the sky when, with the naked eye, we only see black and white.  Green is one of the primary colors, but it is also a symbol of life, and therefore we see the beauty of life through the color green.

Floods of Pakistan - Al-Jazeera Staff

I wondered about this photo for a very long time. Each time I looked at it, I thought of the figure of the photo, the ground, the rule of thirds, etc. However, after class, this photo grabbed my attention especially because of the red and green colors. They work together very nicely. Although the color green is a symbol of life, but this photo also has the color red. In this photo, the color red may symbolize danger as communicated in the floods of Pakistan. Red warns the viewer and photographer that danger is on its way and these individuals do not have another choice but to continue walking through the flood.

Muhammad Az Aldeen - Egypt 

People try to create a comfortable environment from which they live in.  In this photo we see the streets in Egypt; clearly, this street is in a poor neighborhood.  However, the civilians living in this neighborhood have good tastes in the colors they chose to decorate or include in their neighborhood.  I remember when my friends and I were kids; we tried to decorate our street by all means just to make it looks nicer than the other streets in the neighborhoods. In this photo, one can see the whole color wheel.  The young man seems pensive and thinking deeply, I  assume that the colors around him have created a nice environment to help him thinks deeply.  Finally, I like the cropping in this photo.